This forum category serves as our collective knowledge base.
Target Audience
All topics in the main category are meant to be fully public and to be shared with community members, Recruits and non-members alike. Topics posted in the sub-categories are meant for a more specialized audience - e.g. the Interviewing Handbook on how to onboard/process new Recruits is available to Staff only.
You will find a full overview of the Wiki’s content in the Dashboard topic:
Editors & Contributors
The main category is maintained by the Staff Sergeants. Admins and Moderators have edit rights by default. All full members (Reservist+) can comment on the Wiki topics. Keep in mind that all comments are public for any site visitor.
What is a Discourse Wiki?
A Discourse Wiki looks at first glance just like a regular forum category and they are indeed in many ways very similar. To understand how they differ/function it is recommended to read the following topics: