A poll on game experience

I’m hooked with polls this time of the year. Probably doing this because I’m bored, but I really want to see what the trend in the community is. Just for my personal curiosity, nothing else.

What do you think about our current take on realism in CNTO?

I think this would be worth exploring further (on the Staff forums?) and designing a more comprehensive poll on some platform that can handle it (like we’ve done in the past).

Things like:

  • Difficulty - a slider from "walk in the park" to "dark souls"; representing the amount of effort, skill and luck required to succeed a mission
  • Immersion (?) - a slider from "casual" (just hanging out with bros playing shit) to "hardcore" (maximum focus on the gameplay, no banter)
  • Realism - a slider from "don’t care" to "max possible"; representing how much the game should simulate real life
  • Some checkboxes for the above, ie. "if realism matters to you, which of these areas do you care about" - assets, platoon org and movement, individual soldier experience, …

(Obviously just an idea draft.)

[quote user_id=“13633351” avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/13633351/avatar/medium.1434890353.jpeg” name=“Freghar”]I think this would be worth exploring further (on the Staff forums?) and designing a more comprehensive poll on some platform that can handle it (like we’ve done in the past).

Things like:

  • Difficulty - a slider from "walk in the park" to "dark souls"; representing the amount of effort, skill and luck required to succeed a mission
  • Immersion (?) - a slider from "casual" (just hanging out with bros playing shit) to "hardcore" (maximum focus on the gameplay, no banter)
  • Realism - a slider from "don’t care" to "max possible"; representing how much the game should simulate real life
  • Some checkboxes for the above, ie. "if realism matters to you, which of these areas do you care about" - assets, platoon org and movement, individual soldier experience, …

(Obviously just an idea draft.)[/quote]

A draft but still a good foundation I think.

I’ve said this on Discord but will post it here to clarify my intentions. The topic is complex and quite articulated, and before investing time (mine and other people’s) into investigating the actual spectrum of opinions and subjects that better define "realism" I simply wanted to understand how widespread the desire to deepen the topic is.