2035 Campaign

The 2035 campaign has specific requirements that are best explored in a tactical planning thread, albeit across a much wider area of operations.

For more info on the campaign, look here:

There are four islands that need to be captured and/or pacificed by Task Force 277, but assets are limited due to the nature of a naval deployment. As such, it is possible to "win" or "fail" this campaign, should things go awry.

You are free to choose which islands to attack first, and what ships and/or assets to use.

Anyone who is interested can come up with a tactical plan, but should consider the following:

  • Malden has an ongoing civil war that can evolve over time. Prioritising Malden will ensure the island will not fall completely into FIA hands. On the flip side, the situation on Malden may resolve itself without intervention. Freeing Malden may give you access to MDF reinforcements.
  • Bozcaada and Stratis both have medium and short range missiles that if those islands are prioritised, cannot be used against the carrier group.
  • Invading Altis first and cutting off the AAF from their main island is a good idea, but will be costly in terms of manpower and casualties are to be expected. Using MDF reinforcements may relieve some of this.
  • The AAF does not have a proper navy, but they have access to supply ships and other naval transports that allow them to shift around their assets if needed. Attacking a certain location may result in the shoring up of personnel in another.
  • The range between all islands is between 30-60km, the range of a medium range ballistic missile is 300km.

K Buggle here’s my take on this.

Note: I use "Liberty-class destroyer" as a wildcard for one of the 4 available. Since 3 out of 4 include Royal Marines and only one US Marines, I also use RM as stand in for the assaulting force. Considering that they are equal in terms of available assets I’m not strongly indicating a specific destroyer when they are mentioned as base of operations. Thus you have complete freedom in which destroyer to pick for each island.

General considerations

  • Priority #1 is to maximize TF277 survivability in the area of operations, thus the enemy missile capabilities must be severely limited before engaging in big-scale actions.
  • For the same reason, OPFOR naval bases are second priority targets.
  • Deploying our full force is too risky due to air-to-surface, naval and missile threats. This will likely be the case throughout most of the campaign.

Timeline of execution

  1. Stratis
    Deployed forces
  2. 1x Liberty-class destroyer as base of operations for Royal Marines platoon and AH-99 Blackfoot (assaulting forces)
  3. HMS Proteus for defensive purposes in case of naval QRF dispatched towards base of operations
  4. 2x UH-80 Ghost Hawk from USS Freedom for transportation

    If MDF can still hold Malden against AAF, otherwise invert points 2 and 3
  5. Bozcaada
    Deployed forces
  6. 1x Liberty-class destroyer as base of operations for Royal Marines platoon and AH-99 Blackfoot (assaulting forces)
  7. HMS Proteus for defensive purposes in case of naval QRF dispatched towards base of operations
  8. 2x UH-80 Ghost Hawk from USS Freedom for transportation
  9. 1x additional Liberty-class destroyer on standby for reinforcements

  10. Malden
    Deployed forces
  11. USS Freedom as base of operations for US Marines platoons
  12. 2x F/A-18 Hornets + 2x UH-80 Ghost Hawk from USS Freedom
  13. HMS Proteus for defensive purposes in case of naval QRF dispatched towards NATO fleet
  14. 1x Liberty-class destroyer for AH-99 Blackfoot with CAS capabilities and reinforcements from RM platoon

  15. Altis
    Deployed forces
  16. USS Freedom as base of operations for US Marines platoons
  17. F/A-18 Hornets + UH-80 Ghost Hawk from USS Freedom
  18. All available Liberty-class destroyers
  19. AH-99 Blackfoot from Liberty-class destroyers
  20. HMS Proteus for defensive purposes in case of naval QRF dispatched towards NATO fleet
  21. All we have left basically

Open questions

  1. If a single TF277 platoon is deployed for a major objective (i.e. a single island), how does that affect our reinforcements capabilities?
  2. What elements are available to BAF Royals Marines, US Marines and Royal Navy Special Boat Service platoons respectively?
  3. Is intel about missile launch sites as well as stationary AA positions available? Doesn’t make a big difference in terms of prioritization of islands but useful for planning each execution.
  4. I’m assuming air assets from USS Freedom can be dispatched without direct deployment of the aircraft carrier to prevent unnecessary risk while providing both CAS and airlift capabilities.
  5. TF277 doesn’t have any ground vehicle whatsoever?

Thanks [user avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/8061610/avatar/small.1616680218.jpeg” name=“Henrik”]8061610[/user] , good detail. To answer your questions:

  1. That depends on your timeline. If you want to split the fleet to hit multiple targets at once, it will affect your reinforcements. Otherwise it is assumed you will regroup and have whoever didn’t die as reinforcements.
  2. BAF Royal Marines and US Marines have the same elements available to them (MMG; MAT, etc.).
    SBS is bringing half of its C Squadron, meaning 32 Men divided into 8-man sections. SBS have MAT and AA solutions as part of their base kit.
  3. The Missiles are attached to mobile launch platforms, and their positions change a lot. Any available intel on static locations is available here: Forums - Carpe Noctem
  4. The USS Freedom does not need to be "directly" deployed into any AO, but it does mean that you’re limited to CAS runs by AI. It also means it will take longer for CAS to arrive, but obviously means the Freedom isn’t exposed to short range missiles.
    Note that each Liberty can carry one additional helicopter in its cargo, and can also swap helicopters with the Freedom if necessary.
  5. The campaign thread specifies that "All ships carry additional ammunition for infantry as well as light ground vehicles." These are unarmed and armed Prowlers for BAF and US Marines.

Some notes from my side:

  • You may need more than one Platoon to take on some islands. Other platoons not played by CNTO will have their performance simulated by me.
  • You can specify to hit certain islands at the same time, splitting up your forces but potentially hitting targets like missiles simultaneously. Of course these will be played out "one after the other" in terms of mission nights, but in terms of campaign they would be considered assaulted at the same time.

My plan, in this doc

Still WIP, of course

Thanks Chu! Good plan so far, very shock and awe.

Just gonna post here what I said: Please indicate which platoons will be CNTO and which will be AI controlled, as that will have a big impact.

The other thing is to keep in mind a "timeline" of sorts. I saw you have phases, do all missions in one phase happen simultaneously? And if so, where would the carrier be located in that time, etc. etc.

Is this thread still relevant for the Campaign?

Yes it is. Phases 1 & 2 are quite well defined, but phase 3 is yet to have a detailed approach. The general plan is as follows:

Phase 1:
Long range air support from USS Freedom for all operations

1x HMS Proteus (32x SBS personnel)
1x USS Democracy (1x BAF Platoon)

Operation Good Soldier

  • Recon the islands for missile launchers and enemies (SBS)

Operation Reclaimer

  • Destroy enemy missile launchers (USN)
  • Capture airbase and outposts (BAF + SBS)

1x USS Liberty (1x BAF Platoon)
1x USS Valor (1x BAF Platoon)

Operation Blind Shark

  • Recon the islands for missile launchers and enemies

Operation Grey Garden

  • Destroy enemy missile launchers (USN)
  • Capture airbase, main operating base, and radar site (BAF)

Phase 2:


  • Entire Task Force present

Operation Monument

  • Assault Southern Malden using shock & awe
  • Eliminate insurgent leadership in a lightning strike

Phase 3


  • Entire Task Force present

Operation ?

  • Take Altis

Operation ?

  • Mop up the remaining AAF leadership