2035 Campaign

The time is soon upon us for the last campaign in this year. Thanks to [user avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/20142018/avatar/small.1570658998.jpeg” name=“Sagu”]20142018[/user] I was able to swap time slots with him, and now the 2035 campaign will span over the month of October instead.

A few notes about this campaign specifically:

  • This campaign partly exists to test the 8-man squad structure at the request of the Ssgt’s. This means that we are hoping for about 17 players per mission (1 PLT, Alpha, Bravo) to test this. If you can make it, please do!
  • Of course not everything will be infantry action. There are plenty of assets, and if we have more players we’ll bust out some more toys. Look forward to some Apache action if numbers allow for it.
  • This campaign also exists for slightly more realism than usual. That means fighting a near-peer enemy force, no random zeus spawning of enemies, and all the toys and intel a modern NATO force would be used to.

Below you will find the overview for the campaign. All the tactical planning will be done by CNTO members, and the first 2 mission nights have already been planned, but another 3 remain. If you would like to participate in the planning, reach out to me.
But without further ado:


The leftover tensions between Russia and its immediate neighbours has seen the entire surrounding region destabilised, including the Aegean Sea. Old enmnities between Turkey and Greece have flared up, and the formation of CSAT as a third actor has raised tensions across the entire world. Its in this powderkeg environment that a chain of islands has declared its independence: The Republic of Altis.

Possibly funded by Russia, the Republic of Altis instigated a military coup and has now established a foothold on three islands: Altis, Bozcaada, and Stratis. A nearby fourth island, Malden, is undergoing its own civil war between the FIA and the Malden Republic, with the FIA being directly sponsored by Altis. Slowly but surely, the entire surrounding islands will spiral into chaos, possibly igniting a larger war between Turkey and Greece, both of whom are NATO countries.


Both Greece and Turkey have agreed to hand over the military matter to NATO as a whole in order to avoid a potential escalation and the possibility of war. You are part of Task Force 277, a NATO naval force that has been dispatched from Gibraltar to quickly deal with the upstart Altisians.

Your mission is to capture Bozcaada and Stratis, prevent a FIA uprising on Malden, and ultimately return the island of Altis to Greece.


NATO is stretched incredibly thin ever since Russia’s expansion and the formation of CSAT. Task Force 277’s assets are all that is available to you to complete your mission. The following ships and their equipmetn are in the task force:

USS Freedom

[list][] Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carrier
] 54 F/A-18 Hornets
[] 6 F-35s
] 14 UH-80 Ghost Hawks
[] 6 CH-67 Hurons
] 2x Platoons of US Marines
[*] AA capabilties[/list]

USS Democracy

[list][] Liberty-class destroyer
] 1x AH-99 Blackfoot
[] 1x Platoon of BAF Royal Marines
] 4x RHIBs
[] 1x Hammer 120mm naval gun
] 1x Mk.41 VLS (18x HE, 18x Cluster)[/list]

USS Valour

[list][] Liberty-class destroyer
] 1x AH-99 Blackfoot
[] 1x Platoon of BAF Royal Marines
] 4x RHIBs
[] 1x Hammer 120mm naval gun
] 1x Mk.41 VLS (18x HE, 18x Cluster)[/list]

USS Consitution

[list][] Liberty-class destroyer
] 1x AH-99 Blackfoot
[] 1x Platoon of BAF Royal Marines
] 4x RHIBs
[] 1x Hammer 120mm naval gun
] 1x Mk.41 VLS (18x HE, 18x Cluster)[/list]

USS Liberty

[list][] Liberty-class destroyer
] 1x AH-99 Blackfoot
[] 1x Platoon of BAF Royal Marines
] 4x RHIBs
[] 1x Hammer 120mm naval gun
] 1x Mk.41 VLS (18x HE, 18x Cluster)[/list]

HMS Proteus

[list][] Astute-class nuclear submarine
] 24x Spearfish Torpedoes
[] 1x Platoon of Royal Navy Special Boat Service
] 6x SVDs[/list]

All ships carry additional ammunition for infantry as well as light ground vehicles.


The following intel has been made available via NCI and Space Force:


[list][] At least one battalion
] Modern radar and communications base
[] One airbase with at least 8x Gryphons and 8x Buzzards
] At least 3 mechanised platoons
[] At least one AAF air assault platoon
] At least 2x short range ballistic missiles systems.
[] At least 2x medium range ballistic missile systems.
] Lots of anti air in the form of stingers, titans, and Shilkas[/list]


[list][] At least one battalion.
] Multiple radar and communication installations.
[] One former British airbase with at least 12 jets present.
] At least one AAF air assault platoon.
[] At least 4x short range ballistic missile systems.
] At least 4x medium range ballistic missile systems.[/list]


[list][] Active civil war between FIA and MDF.
] FIA insurgents well equipped with AAF gear.
[] Unsure how many troops, NCI estimates at least 1000-1500 fighters.
] MDF numbers dwindling by the day.[/list]


[list][] At least two brigades.
] Multiple radar and communication installations.
[] One military airbase, one military air strip, many civilian air strips that can be used in an emergency.
] Majority of AAF jets present here, with at least 37 counted by NCI.
[] At least 2x short range ballistic missile systems.
] At least 4x medium range ballistic missile systems.
[*] Lots of anti air in the form of stingers, titans, and Shilkas[/list]