Iron Front (lite) mod - server & arma3sync repo

In relation to the "World war 2 in arma 3" public thread, World war 2 in arma 3 , I’ve created a mod repo for people interested in testing the mod.
In arma3sync, tab "Repositories", add a new one with autoconfig URL

and click Import, optionally change the name, and confirm.

After you download the mods, you need to manually create a mod folder in the "Addons" arma3sync tab, call it ie. "iron front lite" and click&drag the following mods from the left side to it:


Then switch to the "Addon Options" arma3sync tab, bottom half, and by moving mods up and down, make sure that the following mods are somewhere in there (ie. at the bottom), in this order:


And you should be all set to go.

Do not use @allinarmaterrainpack from the cnto repo, it glitches out at least dedicated servers in combination with the IF mods. Also don’t use @ace as it bugs out both the client (doesn’t work, not even ACE settings) and the server.

Note that the iflite repository contains only the mods that aren’t in the cnto coop repo - if it duplicated those, we would risk conflicts whenever the mods got updated in the cnto coop repo.

Also note that I run an arma3 server on the same machine and while it’s used for various stuff (vanilla, cnto coop, …, this thing) and therefore it doesn’t run iron front 24/7, it can be easily switched to it in case you want to play together somewhere.
That is, in Arma 3 multiplayer server browser, click REMOTE in the bottom right corner and enter

password: cnto

Admin password available on request (though you’re not automatically eligible :slight_smile: ).

I think we will incorparate all of the functional mods we currently use into this repository, such as MCC, Acre2/radio, Maybe tryk if you want to wear accessories and things from that. (as long as it isn’t vr goggles and night vision)

May I suggest that you use the @allinarmaterrainpack from our standard repo instead of @IFA3SA_xxx . It basically then makes all the maps available from allinarmaterrainpack with all available assets.

Sure, we can discuss this once teamspeak comes back up - I just followed the tutorials, have no idea what’s actually needed to make it running or what is where. :slight_smile:

I just tested our @allinarmaterrainpack in place of @IFA3SA_lite or in addition to it and in both cases, the dedicated server keeps kicking me back to the mission selection screen, even though I got the ordering right.

Interesting… I was connected on your server with @allinarmaterrainpack. ok, i have the full iron front assets , but I also did it with the lite I remember. To be researched…

In general, the dedicated server (at least on linux) seems to be kicking back to the mission selection screen way too often, even though the configuration works on locally hosted game. Maybe it’s just some another check I need to disable or something.

What helped is loading the mission twice - ie. after you get pushed back to the mission selection screen, just repeat what you did and then it loads all the way to the map + game.

I’m currently using AiA in addition to (right after) @IFA3SA_lite as it gets rid of some of the annoying warning dialogs.
ACRE2 seems to be somewhat working, but the UI text is scrambled.

Also, some other medical system (MCC? acre2? … ???) seems to be kicking in, overriding my ctrl+win combination, putting HUD stuff all over the place, making "drop grenade" the unchangeable default, adding shortcuts to non-working grenade throw switch and remote detonation to shift+3/shift+4, etc.
edit: MCC template

I have tried to setup a "simulated" windows dedicated server via Wine to see how much of the issues were linux-specific and was able to (via steamcmd.exe) install the arma3 dedicated server app just fine, and it also appeared to run fine (after messing with DX11 DLLs and starting BattleEye manually), but there was one key issue - it needed an X11 window to display a console, it didn’t print out to the same terminal it was started from.

This in turn means that it can’t be run on a headless server, it needs X11 to run + the admin to connect via VNC. All because of some /stupid/ decision to forcibly create a separate window for the server output with no option to disable it. This is also a problem for real Windows servers running just the cmd shell and no explorer.exe.

OTOH, I discovered the -loadMissionToMemory cmdline parameter, which might fix the issues with native linux server.

I also enabled

-loadMissionToMemory -autoInit

which simulates a client loading the map when you enter the lobby. Meaning that if you select a map, don’t press disable AI or assign slots, wait ~20-30 seconds for it to load first. The (slight) advantage is that even if it kicks you back to mission selection screen, you don’t need to wait for all clients to stop loading the map, etc. - you can select it back straight away.

I know, it isn’t perfect, but hey, it’s a very buggy mod. :slight_smile:
(Our cnto repo doesn’t have this problem.)

Most of the mission-selection-screen issues as well as total game crashes have been identified as @allinarmaterrainpack problems - not using it seems to solve all of these. Maybe a different version of AiA could be used, but for now, we’re sticking to only @IFA3SA_lite .

I’ve redesigned a bit the original (first) post to make it hopefully more user friendly. If Price could provide screenshots, it would be great. :slight_smile:

Sorry I didn’t get any notifications about updates to this thread so I missed a lot