Co-op - Tank Cutters

Sorry I didn’t mean to sound like a bit of dick there. I know what you mean and that’s good feedback for GMs, Have a realistic attack which as you said would use infantry to support armour.

That’s a good point, one that I definitely could’ve done better. When I sent those two tanks I should’ve prepared some trucks with infantry also.

Just to clarify from my perspective. I had 1 FT in the centre and they had 2 TOWs, 1 FT on the BFG, 1 FT on the right flank with 1 TOW and the MAT team in the rear, but they settled on our extreme right flank.

For one thing I took the briefing too literally. It said don’t leave the AT positions and so I made sure we didn’t. I didn’t know how many guys would be needed at the BFG, but any infantry were left to protect our front and right flank. The FT in the centre had 2 guys for spotting and front protection, and the FT on the left had 3 guys for spotting and left flank protection.

I wasn’t sure how many guys would be needed where in general, but I never got any calls from FTLs saying they didn’t have enough to do. I don’t mean that players should moan to leaders about being bored and expect something to be done about it, but if an FTL says "I have 2 spare guys here on the left, what do you want me to do with them?" then I would possibly have moved them.

It’s a matter of communication all round, the more info I receive the better decisions about dispositions I can make. I definitely kept everybody too tight and the lack of a resupply didn’t help us, but due to casualties some positions were always busy (except for the dead guys obviously lol). I think the left flank was the only ‘quiet’ area until we got flanked. I’ve played in events where I have had a very quiet night while others have had all the fun, sometimes it just goes that way. I treat this like I do golf. I play for the 1 good shot and not the 99 bad ones, or in this case the quieter times make me enjoy and appreciate the busier moments more.

As this was a short mission it was good in general. I agree with Price in that it would be good if the position was about 3 or 4 times bigger. This would force us to keep repositioning which would have given everyone more things to do. Skywalker is also right in that armour moving forward without infantry is unrealistic, although I know that Rommel massed his armour in North Africa and sent it in ahead of his infantry at times, but the infantry did follow closely to support. So there are circumstances that it can work, but I wouldn’t say that includes the technology, tactics and numbers included in our fights.

I personally love defensive missions, if the scale was a bit bigger and the resupply issue gets sorted then I’m all for it again!